aa 1 ADJECTIVE ab 1 ADJECTIVE comp ac 1 ADJECTIVE sup // many, more most xi 1 NUMERAL cb 1 NUMERAL comp cc 1 NUMERAL sup // for adjectives like "English", "Russian" ad 1 ADJECTIVE prop ba 1 ADVERB bb 1 ADVERB comp bc 1 ADVERB sup va 1 VERB inf vb 1 VERB prsa,sg,3 vc 1 VERB pasa vd 1 VERB pp ve 1 VERB ing vf 1 MOD inf vh 1 MOD pasa ta 1 VBE inf tb 1 VBE prsa,sg,1 td 1 VBE prsa,sg,3 te 1 VBE prsa,pl tf 1 VBE ing tg 1 VBE pasa,sg ti 1 VBE pasa,pl tj 1 VBE pp tk 1 VBE fut,1,sg tl 1 VBE fut,sg,pl,1,2,3 tm 1 VBE if,sg,1,2 tn 1 VBE if,sg,3 to 1 VBE if,pl pa 1 PN pers,nom pb 1 PN pers,obj pc 1 PN pers,nom,sg,1 pd 1 PN pers,obj,sg,1 pe 1 PN pers,nom,2 pf 1 PN pers,obj,2 pg 1 PN pers,nom,sg,3 ph 1 PN pers,obj,sg,3 pi 1 PN pers,nom,pl,1 pk 1 PN pers,obj,pl,1 pl 1 PN pers,nom,pl,3 pm 1 PN pers,obj,pl,3 da 1 PN ref,sg db 1 PN ref,pl ea 1 PN_ADJ poss eb 1 PN_ADJ poss,pred ec 1 PN_ADJ dem,sg ed 1 PN_ADJ dem,pl ee 1 PN_ADJ ef 1 PRON // "table", "town" na 1 NOUN narr,sg nb 1 NOUN narr,pl // analytical possessive fa 1 NOUN narr,poss // nouns which can be mass and uncount // "silk", "clay" nc 1 NOUN narr,mass,uncount,sg // analytical possessive fb 1 NOUN narr,mass,uncount,poss // mass nouns // "water", "butter" ne 1 NOUN narr,mass,sg ng 1 NOUN narr,mass,pl // analytical possessive fc 1 NOUN narr,mass,poss // uncount nouns // "acceleration", "activism" ni 1 NOUN narr,uncount,sg // "John", "James" oa 1 NOUN prop,m,sg ob 1 NOUN prop,m,pl // analytical possessive fd 1 NOUN prop,m,poss // "Mary", "Jane" oc 1 NOUN prop,f,sg od 1 NOUN prop,f,pl // analytical possessive fe 1 NOUN prop,f,poss // "Glen" "Lee" "Jerry" oe 1 NOUN prop,m,f,sg of 1 NOUN prop,m,f,pl // analytical possessive ff 1 NOUN prop,m,f,poss // general geographical names ga 1 NOUN prop // analytical possessive fg 1 NOUN prop,poss xa 1 CONJ xb 1 INT xc 1 PREP xd 1 PART xf 1 ARTICLE xi 1 NUMERAL xp 1 ORDNUM yc 1 POSS plsq yd 1 POSS plsgs //Специальное существительное заглушка, номер кода используется! xx 1 NOUN prop sg pl // type ancodes za 1 * geo zb 1 * name zc 1 * org